Frank Mitchell

Optimizing binary search

An engineer comes in to work one day and finds that his boss has left him a little piece of Ruby code.

n = 16384
f = { |i| i += 1 }
0.upto(n) do
  k = rand(2 * n)
  # TODO: Impliment a binay search for k

“Hmm,” says the engineer. “Binary search. Haven’t done one of those since college.” But, because he understands the princple of stealing cars before reinventing wheels, the engineer looks up a binary search algorithm on Google. Soon he has code to replace his boss’s comment.

x = 0
y = n - 1
while x <= y do
  m = (x + y) / 2
  if k == f[m]
    x = m
    if k < f[m]
      y = m - 1
      x = m + 1
found = f[x] == k

Being a good engineer, he decides to bechmark his code. It clocks in at 2.4 seconds. “Not bad,” says the engineer. “But I wonder if I can do better?” He digs out an old book from college, Programming in the 1990s, and thumbs through it until he finds the section on binary searching. There it is, the theoretically optimal solution.

x = -1
y = n
while y != x + 1 do
  m = (x + y) / 2
  if f[m] <= k
    x = m
  if f[m] > k
    y = m
found = false
found = f[x] == k if 0 <= x

The engineer benchmarks this code, and finds it runs in 2.41 seconds. “That’s 0.01 seconds slower than my previous version,” says the engineer. “I wonder why?” Thinking for a bit, the engineer realizes that the new code doesn’t break out of the loop when it finds the correct solution. So he optimizes it.

x = -1
y = n
while y != x + 1 do
  m = (x + y) / 2
  if f[m] < k
    x = m
  if f[m] == k
    x = m
  if f[m] > k
    y = m
found = false
found = f[x] == k if 0 <= x

This snippet has an average time of 2.8 seconds, and now the engineer is becoming slightly concerned. Things look to be going from bad to worse. Thinking some more, the engineer finds another optimization. “I know. I need to be using ‘else’ statements.”

x = -1
y = n
while y != x + 1 do
  m = (x + y) / 2
  if f[m] < k
    x = m
    if f[m] > k
      y = m
      if f[m] == k
        x = m
found = false
found = f[x] == k if 0 <= x

This code is better. Lots better. Its benchmark times comes in at 2.02 seconds. Pleased with himself, the engineer decides to get a peer review on his code before checking it in to the source tree. He calls one of his colleagues over to take a look.

“That’s some pretty hairy logic. Maybe you could simplify it,” the colleague says. “And you should be caching that lookup value.”

Back to the drawing board the engineer goes. He does what his colleague suggests, simplifying the logic and caching the value that’s looked up in the array. “Okay,” he says. “Now I’ve got a really optimized binary search.”

x = -1
y = n
while y != x + 1 do
  m = (x + y) / 2
  t = f[m]
  if t > k
    y = m
    x = m
    if t == k
found = false
found = f[x] == k if 0 <= x

But the benchmarks tell another story. This code has an average time of 2.22 seconds. It’s 0.2 seconds slower than his previous version, and only 7.5% faster than his original version! “This can’t be right,” the engineer says. “What am I missing here?”

Pulling out some scratch paper, he starts doodling little pictures of binary trees and walking through the steps to search them. Then it clicks. Fifty percent of a binary tree’s nodes are at its leaves. That means for half the nodes in the tree, his premature termination of the loop doesn’t save him anything. For a quarter of the nodes, it only saves him one loop. For an eighth of the nodes, it saves him two loops. The engineer breaks out his graphing calculator and does a quick summation. He’s only saving an average of the one iteration by prematurely terminating the loop. The break statement must go.

“Well if the break statement goes,” the engineer says, “then I don’t have to cache the lookup in the array, since I’m only doing it once.” Again he rewrites the code.

x = -1
y = n
while y != x + 1 do
  m = (x + y) / 2
  if f[m] <= k
    x = m
    y = m
found = false
found = f[x] == k if 0 <= x

Anxiously, the engineer waits for the benchmarks to come in. 1.91 seconds! It’s 20.4% faster than his original version. Elated, the engineer takes the code straight to his boss.

“Nice job,” the boss says when the engineer explains the story of the binary search to him. “There’s one engineer who’ll be getting a raise,” he adds, as the engineer heads out the door.

Three hours later, one of the testers walks over to the engineer’s office.

“There’s a bug in your code,” the tester tells him. The egineer stares at her aghast.

“What bug?” he asks.

“If x and y are really large, then x plus y overflows and m becomes negative,” she says.

“I never thought about that,” the engineer admits. “But wait, doesn’t Ruby’s Bignum class handle that?”

“Obviously not, since it broke,” she replies. “So fix it.”

Thinking for a minute, the engineer comes up with a one line fix.

m = x + ((y - x) / 2)

“I wonder how many other people know about that?” the engineer thinks to himself as he checks his patch into source control.