Frank Mitchell

Bytes matter on the mobile web

When I started writing Prolix, I knew it was going to be big. My original dictionary had 81,536 words, and the first version I wrote crashed Jacob’s iPhone. At the time I knew nothing about JavaScript, so my code was slow and ugly to boot. But I learned a few things, and now Prolix contains 40,871 words and runs just fine.

This is the story about how I got there.

Giving trees a try

When it comes to writing software, picking a good data structure is half the battle. The obvious choice for word storage is a prefix tree. Putting words in and checking if words exist is fast, and it takes up a minimal amount of space. Because I knew nothing about JavaScript at the time, I decided to see if someone had already built one. Both to save myself time, and because it would give me some code to study. Dennis Byrne had a nice implementation, so I started there.

var Prolix = {};

Prolix.Trie = function () {
  this.wordCount = 0;
  this.prefixCount = 0;
  this.children = [];

Prolix.Trie.prototype.add = function (word) {
  if (word) {
    this.prefixCount += 1;
    var i = word.charAt(0);
    if (!this.children[i]) {
      this.children[i] = new Prolix.Trie();
  } else {
    this.wordCount += 1;

Prolix.Trie.prototype.getPrefixCount = function (word) {
  if (word) {
    return this.getCount(word, arguments.callee);
  return this.prefixCount;

Prolix.Trie.prototype.getWordCount = function (word) {
  if (word) {
    return this.getCount(word, arguments.callee);
  return this.wordCount;

Prolix.Trie.prototype.getCount = function (word, method) {
  var i = word.charAt(0);
  if (this.children[i]) {[i], word.substring(1));
  return 0;

Prolix.Trie.prototype.hasWord = function (word) {
  return this.getWordCount(word) !== 0;

Prolix.Trie.prototype.hasPrefix = function (word) {
  return this.getPrefixCount(word) !== 0;

When it comes to writing code for the mobile web, bytes matter. Not as much as readability and maintainability, but they still matter. The code above is 1,045 bytes and it takes 0.285 seconds to load 81,536 words. That was my first version the one that crashed the iPhone.

More functional but less classy

After reading Crockford’s book I learned that pseudo classical inheritance wasn’t the only option JavaScript offered. Better armed with knowledge, I refactored my code to a more functional pattern.

var trie = function () {
  var that = {},
    kids = [],
    wordCount = 0,
    prefixCount = 0;

  that.add = function (word) {
    if (word) {
      prefixCount += 1;
      var i = word.charAt(0);
      if (!kids[i]) {
        kids[i] = trie();
    } else {
      wordCount += 1;

  that.getPrefixCount = function (word) {
    if (!word) {
      return prefixCount;
    var i = word.charAt(0);
    if (kids[i]) {
      return kids[i].getPrefixCount(word.slice(1));
    return 0;

  that.getWordCount = function (word) {
    if (!word) {
      return wordCount;
    var i = word.charAt(0);
    if (kids[i]) {
      return kids[i].getWordCount(word.slice(1));
    return 0;

  that.hasWord = function (word) {
    return this.getWordCount(word) !== 0;

  that.hasPrefix = function (word) {
    return this.getPrefixCount(word) !== 0;

  return that;

The reasoning for my refactoring, was that the trie function that holds the dictionary eventually gets extended with a load function that handles reading in words. I felt the functional pattern captured that concept better.

In order to make JSLint happy, I eliminated the getCount function so I wasn’t using arguments.callee. And I changed children to kids and substring to slice in order to save a few bytes.

The code above is 863 bytes and it takes 0.627 seconds to load 81,536 words. So it’s less bytes than the first version, but at the expense of running 2.2 times slower.

We’re not going to need that

Reading through my code, I realized that I wasn’t doing anything special with that. Plus, I saw that getPrefixCount and getWordCount were only being used by hasWord and hasPrefix. So I refactored again to eliminate those redundancies and return a created object directly.

var trie = function () {
  var kids = [], words = 0, prefixes = 0;

  return {
    add: function (word) {
      if (word) {
        prefixes += 1;
        var i = word.charAt(0);
        if (!kids[i]) {
          kids[i] = trie();
      } else {
        words += 1;

    hasPrefix: function (word) {
      if (!word) {
        return prefixes !== 0;
      var i = word.charAt(0);
      if (!kids[i]) {
        return false;
      return kids[i].hasPrefix(word.slice(1));

    hasWord: function (word) {
      if (!word) {
        return words !== 0;
      var i = word.charAt(0);
      if (!kids[i]) {
        return false;
      return kids[i].hasWord(word.slice(1));

Weighing in at 677 bytes, the version above takes 0.448 seconds to load all 81,536 words. That makes it 1.54 times smaller and 1.57 times slower than the first version. Personally, I’m willing to take the speed hit in exchange for simpler code that only does what’s needed.

Putting leaves on a tree

Initially the code that loaded words into my trie was simple.

prolix.load = function (words) {
  var i;
  for (i = 0; i < words.length; i += 1) {

// 24 lines later...

I wrote a little bit of Ruby to read words from a file and generate the code above. After it read 81,536 words, the resulting JavaScript was 953,209 bytes. I’m pretty sure the stress of loading that much code was what caused Jacob’s iPhone to crash.

So I did some thinking and played around with different compression ideas. I tried storing the words as a JSON object, but with all the added markup, it wasn’t any smaller.

Then I realized I didn’t need to store each individual word in an array, I just needed one big string with a delimiter for the words.

prolix.load = function (list) {
  var i, words = list.split(',');
  for (i = 0; i < words.length; i += 1) {

// 24 lines later...

The resulting code was 790,085 bytes. It was still too big, so I whittled the dictionary down to words that were between 4 and 8 characters. That got the dictionary code down to 311,334 bytes. Load times were finally reasonable.

Prefixes, they aren’t just for trees any more

Once people started playing, I noticed the first thing everyone did was try to spell a three letter word. When it didn’t work (because I’d limited the dictionary size) they got confused. I needed a way to include three letter words, but they were an extra 4 kilobytes of data. Something had to go.

I spent some time taking out unneeded white space and removing duplicated CSS entries. That got me about 500 more bytes, which wasn’t enough. Then I had an epiphany. I could use prefixes for my words before they were loaded.

prolix.load = function (prefix, suffixes) {
  var i, parts = suffixes.split(',');
  for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
    dictionary.load(prefix + parts[i]);

prolix.load('AA', 'RDVARK');
// 271 lines later...

That one change shaved 77,793 bytes off the dictionary code, giving me enough room to add three letter words.

Don’t start with the obvious

When it comes to writing JavaScript, there are two “standard” approaches to making your code smaller, minification and compression. Through out the development of Prolix, I deliberately avoided doing either of those things.

Minification was out because I hate visiting a web site, viewing its source, and seeing a bunch of obfuscated curly brace soup. Nobody learns when you do that.

Compression was out because my hosting provider charges for bandwidth. Consequently, they don’t support mod_gzip or mod_deflate. If I want compression, I have to roll my own with mod_rewrite.

But mostly, I stayed away from obvious solutions because they prevent you from seeing the not so obvious ones. Once you’ve zipped an application down to a third of its size, you’re not motivated to push it any further. It’s easy to say, “Oh, we’ll just compress it.” It’s hard to think up new ideas for how that’s going to happen.